CLINEXEL is a full-service Clinical Research Organization providing end-to-end services for Clinical Development, Clinical Operations, Regulatory Affairs, Medical Writing, and Pharmacovigilance.
Our clients include Pharma, Biotech, and Medical Device companies based in India, Europe, the USA, Canada, Israel, and Singapore. CLINEXEL is a full service CRO with in house Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) and qualified vendors.
We provide end to end clinical trials-services from protocol preparation, site selection, regulatory and EC approvals, clinical monitoring, CDM Clinical Study Report writing. CLINEXEL employees CRAs, Monitors, Project Managers, and Medical Writers are Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs), working from CLINEXEL office.
Clinexel Pharmacovigilance services include ICSR processing, literature monitoring, signal management, authoring aggregate reports, EU-QPPV, LSO services as well as authoring and maintenance of PSMF.
Clinexel leaders have experience in various therapeutic areas from Phase 1 to Phase 3 clinical trials and post marketing studies.
CLINEXEL was incorporated in India in January 2019, with head office in Navi Mumbai. Mumbai is the Commercial Capital of India.
Our Team includes professionals (physicians, pharmacists, doctorates, graduates and postgraduates in science) with hands on industry experience. CLINEXEL Team is a talented group with shared vision of contributing to the clinical development of safe and effective therapeutics. Learn more about our Experts.
Growth of CLINEXEL is a testimony of expertise, dedication and hard work of the CLINEXEL team. We were able to set-up and provide end to end services for Clinical Research and Pharmacovigilance in a short span.
CLINEXEL is a professionally managed Company, a CRO is led by experts with experience in leadership positions in pharma and biotech companies.
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